Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Having a true friend is a rare treasure. I am truly blessed to have several true friends. Some I do not see very often but I know they are there. True friendship is not maintenance free. We must keep the friendship going. Hey, that is what SHOPPING MALLS and TEA ROOMS were created for!!!!!!

We must focus on BEING a friend and not on HAVING a friend. Being a friend is a matter of thinking of the other person. Having a friend is focusing on myself and my own needs.

Proverbs 17 says "A friend loves at all times". A true friend laughs with me and not at me. I must ask myself "How can I help this friend become all God created her to be?"

If you are someone's friend, it means you were chosen. You are not in someone's life by happenstance. You are in someone's life because he or she wants you there.

Jesus said in John 15: 14-15 "Ye are my friends" and "I have called you friends" Jesus chose ME to be His friend. My friends, this is awesome!!! He likes for me to spend time with Him developing this friendship. I am in His life because He wants me there. He calls ME "friend" !!!! Just think about that for a minute.


Thank you for revealing yourself to me as my friend. Me?, a friend of God!!!! Father, that really warms my heart. I thank you for the precious friends you have blessed me with. Help me to be there for them in the good times and the bad times. Oh, how I want to be a JESUS FRIEND to them!! More than anything, Father, I want to make you proud to call me your friend!!!

I pray this prayer in the powerful Name of Jesus, your Son and my friend.



j said...

I learn more about friendship everyday it seems. I posted this pic for your writing because it has humbled me watching my girls say good bye to their friends and seeing what truly close bonds they had formed. Your post spoke to my heart.

Be blessed Tiz and as always, thank you for sharing God's Truths.


JC said...


Deb said...

To me, friends are all apart of our extended family. I treasure mine more than anything. :)

This was a beautiful post!

Kimmie said...

I got a case of the goosebumps reading this post. I also am learning about friendships myself. This really spoke to me adn I would like to post this in my blog if that would be okay. I also have the gift of watching my children still bonded to many of their high school and childhood friends. It amazes me and also warms my heart. I look into the faces of 20+ year olds that I remember starting kindergarten, watched them get their sacraments, graduate from high school along with my children. They were so much like my own I had them at my home so much. When friendships grow over so many years I believe they are meant to be forever friends...the "Keepers" Our Father has hand picked and given us for a lifetime. I thank you Father, God for such blessings.

Thank You Tiz, this was a lovely post.
