First thing this morning, I got on the scale. The numbers glared at me stubbornly. No movement in two days. And thus I began my day.
Sunday mornings tend to be stressful for me. It takes an act of Congress to get myself and the kids ready, basically because I am the most UNorganized human being in this world. Yet another thing that I desperately need to turn over to God.
We make it to the car and as I have stated, I always put my makeup on, on the way, as Hubby drives. Today I find that my powder compact has broken in my bag and I have a fine layer of ivory powder all over my other cosmetics. I chose to wear black pants today. I now have ivory powder all over my black pants too.
My family walks into church without me as I beat the powder out of my britches. I make it into the building and am greeted immediately by my husband's Aunt (whom I dearly love). She hugs me and tells me "I love your Blog." High praise from a lady that I respect so much. That is the boost that I needed to make my way around to hug and smile at other people.
We stand. We sing. We sit. We stand. We pray. We sit. We stand. We sing. We pray. We sit and place money in the plate. We pray again, as the pastor begins. Whew. I have to say that the Spirit had to pray and sing through me. I couldn't grasp it all yet. My mind was still tied up in the frenetic morning.
Stillness. Being preached to. No movement. Nothing to DO. Stillness....and I begin to relax. The tension of the morning flows from my body and the reason, no, the PERSON that I am here for, sheds His presence over me. Or more accurately, He was here all along, and my trip, my journey to GET to HIM is done, and I am able to FEEL HIM.
Be still and know that I am God.
Aaaahhh. And the blessings that He has provided for me are here, too. My husband's arm across the back of me on the pew, claiming me. My twelve year old daughter slips her hand into mine. She's not too big to hold hands with Mom. Diva Daughter, sitting between Nana And Grandaddy, soaking up their comfort, leans forward and smiles at me. Son is in Children's Church, a room FULL of kids, learning about Jesus.
And the preacher says at that moment "You can't out give God." And how right he is. The Lord has given me first HIMSELF and then these people whom I love and am loved by. I didn't give Him my full attention this morning. I was caught up in the "getting there." But when I sat still, I found Him immediately.
I think my Sunday mornings need to start differently for now on. Seek HIM first, not the numbers on a scale. JESUS, Who loves every ounce of me.
He does amazing things, doesn't He? Always there, unconditionally loving us regardless if we tend to slip Him out of our minds. That's gotta be true and pure love! I found this post comical, yet very inspiring! You truly showed the love that God brings to all of us, whether our attention is elsewhere or right on target.
I love your writing! I hope you don't mind if I link to you.
I also found what you had to say on a certain subject matter very insightful.
Thank you!
God bless!
Jen, I loved this post the first time and I love it now. I'm so glad you put a picture of yourself on this site. I felt a little funny with my big ol face, Tiz's tiny face and your eyes. This is more like it. Love ya, JC
Wow - I really like your comment on "You can't out give God"
Thanks for the reminder to seek him first - it is easy to get caught up in the day.
Love your blog :)
Thank you for the reminder. It is so easy to get caught up in the "day in, day out" stuff and forget what our focus needs to be.
Thank you for your writing, Jennifer! You have been such a blessing to me. Reading your words makes me wish we were a part of the same church family - I really think we'd be great friends. But, then I was reminded in my spirit that we ARE a part of the same family though Christ!
That was beautiful Jen. Yes he does love every ounce of you!
"Be still and know that I am God"
I have always loved that. There is nothing else that needs to be said. It is all summed up in those words. If more people would just "be still", maybe they would get to know him like we do. Wouldn't that be amazing?!
Hugs to you my dear friend,
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