Sunday, August 10, 2008

God's Gift of Poetry

My daughters have been blessed to have made some very good friends.

This poem is by one of their Best Best Friends, Stephanie. She is a gifted painter, dancer, and writer. I claim her as a daughter of my heart and a Sister in Christ.

*SAVED* by 12 year old poet, Stephanie Witt

Christ saved my life
When I was only eight
I remember that day
Crystal clear.
In VBS of '04
Sitting in the floor
With Mama Ruby at the door.
She asked if we,
Had felt a knock o our hearts
With Christ at the door.
I nodded,
Heart pounding.
She called for the preacher
And quickly he came.
They all gathered 'round
With me at the center
And I bowed my head,
Holding "Mama's" hands
Repeated after Brother Randy
Then felt clean,
As never before.
I was SAVED and BORN again.


Tiz said...

Maybe I can be Stephanie's grandmother and sister in Christ.
"Father, I pray that you will always surround Stephanie with Godly people who will help her to grow up in You. In the name of Jesus as Teacher, I pray. Amen"

Em and Meg are blessed if they have a good friend!!!!!

Stanley said...

Thats very sweet =) I'm sure its great to have a daughter like her!

JC said...

What a blessing. I see so much hope in that generation of young people. Youth that came to Christ at an early age and who are bold but sweet in their witness. I see this in your children. I pray Stephanie will always choose to be led by the Holy Spirit and allow Christ to live His life out in her. I pray the she, Em & Meg will always be best of friends. Love ya, JC

Kimmie said...

That was a beautifully written poem. What an amazing thing for an 8 year old girl to be able to put her thoughts into words like that. I pray that Em & Meg will have that kind of friendship with Stephanie that lasts a lifetime.
