Thursday, May 28, 2009


There is a Jim Brickman song titled "Never Alone". It was written as a mother singing to a child going off to college or just on their own but for me it is as if my Father God is singing to me. You know I'm not good at getting things absolutely right but part of the lyrics say, "Never alone, never alone, I'll be in every beat of your heart, when you face the unknown."

A friend of mine, I'll call her Marie, is so very lonely. She divorced before Christmas. I think Marie thought she would find another man very soon and has been actively trying to find someone. Much to her dismay, finding someone at 50 is very different than finding someone at 20. Can anyone relate to what I'm saying?

I don't even know why I'm posting about this. Especially on this blog but I just feel that I must. You see I hurt for Marie not just because she is my friend but because I see her headed down a path that may not be the best for her. Perhaps it is my fault because I make being alone seem easy. I'm happy being alone physically because I know that I am never alone.

In October 1992, I was lying in a hospital room after surgery. A few weeks prior to being admitted to the hospital my husband told me he wanted a divorce. The surgery had removed any chance of me having children. I didn't know what I was going to do. I prayed , "Lord what am I going to do." God spoke to my spirit and said, "I will be your husband." From that moment to this it has been a settled issue. Whatever I need He provides, He gives me the desires of my heart. I've never felt alone. Not to say I haven't faced problems but I've known that I am never alone.

So when I see a sister in Christ pining away for the affections of a earthy man, it makes me sad. Not that there is anything wrong with having a man around. Marie doesn't need a earthly man to make her feel loved, pretty, or secure. Marie needs to find all this within herself and who she is in Christ. Marie must be willing to wait on the Lord to provide a mate that is worthy of her.

Father God, I love You because You are my everything. You and You alone are worthy of my worship, my loyalty, my adoration. Father show me how to minister to Marie. Father show Marie that You can provide her with her every need. Father show her that she need not lower her standards for the sake of an earthy mate. Father her loneliness is not a burden for me to bear so I give it to You. I lay it at the foot of the cross. Father give me the appropriate, spirit filled words to speak when Marie goes on and on about the guys she is meeting over the Internet. Father I pray, if there is anyone reading this post that is struggling with loneliness, she/he will turn their attention to You and Your word so they will find answers, comfort and peace. In Jesus' holy, powerful and precious name I pray. Amen


Tiz said...

JC, this post is absolutely awesome, that is all I know how to say. Almost brought me to tears.

Love you, Bethy

j said...

The best posts that I have ever read on blogs seem to have a great deal of honesty written into them. THIS one is very honest and one of the best. It's how we minister to others - by telling others just how good he has been to us. Praying the prayer along with you.

MargieAnne said...

So glad you wrote this.

I am married and it can be the loneliest place on earth sometimes.

It is only in my Heavenly Father's arms that I find real peace. This overflows into our marriage but not unless I spend time in His Presence.

I often wonder why so many Christian women, women with a deep faith, long for a partner when all their emotional/spiritual needs can be satisfied in Him.

TWJ and I love each other .... we must do to have lasted thus far, but there is nothing more painful than being unequally yoked. Even when both partners are Christian there can be a relationship gap so seeking a man for the sake of company and fulfillment is futile. I know because we have faced more difficulties than most and I have had to face each one with strength that can only come from my God. Even the most loving man cannot support you through the bad patches as wonderfully as God will and what's more, we women of faith frequently carry our men. Nothing can take the place of our personal relationship with Almighty God

I do hope your friend finds the peace she craves. I'm praying she has a revelation of God's loving presence, just as you did.

Blessings and love.