Thursday, July 30, 2009


Don't you just love the way God lets you know He is near. I do! They are the little things I see in nature that speak to my heart. They are the unexpected surprises that just happen for no reason. They are the smile or conversation with a stranger.

Last week I traveled to the BLOGHER 09 Conference in Chicago. I've never been to Chicago. While I was looking forward to going to the conference, I don't enjoy traveling alone as I once did. Air travel in particular has lost its appeal but that is another post. So, I'm going to a big city, alone, where I know not one person, sounds a little frightening doesn't it. Well, God gave me a reminder as I sat in the Atlanta Airport waiting to board my flight to Chicago that I wasn't alone and I would not be alone in Chicago. I looked down at my purse and saw this scripture just on the inside of the purse where the zipper is,
"God is with you wherever you go." Joshua 1:9 NIV
I had to smile to myself. I've had the purse for at least two years but never used it until about two weeks ago. I had completely forgotten about the verse. What a wonderful surprise and reminder of His presence and His goodness. I have several of these surprises from last Thursday to last Sunday, I'll share more in future posts.

Father God, how awesome You are!!! I just don't have the words to express how much I love you. When I consider Your goodness, Your grace, Your mercy I am overwhelmed with joy and gratitude. Father I pray that You provide every reader of this post a reminder of Your constant presence. In Jesus' precious, holy and powerful name I pray. Amen.


j said...

Happy goosebumps over the scripture inside of your purse. What an awesome message from an even more awesome God!

Tiz said...

JC, this is a very uplifting message. Yes, our King goes all out for His Princesses!!!!!

Love you,