Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Trials in the life of a Believer....

We see another truth from the life of Abraham in Genesis Chapter 22 as Abraham faces the greatest test he ever faced when God instructed him to offer his son, Isaac, on the alter of sacrifice. Here we see obedient faith that overcomes in the trials of life.

"My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into various trials knowing that the testing of your faith worketh patience" James 1:2-3

Trials or test are something we all face on our journey of faith. The trials in our life are used by the Holy Spirit to bring out the best in us. It is only by passing through trials that we learn what God is - His grace, His faithfulness, His sufficiency. We can be overcomers when we face various trials.

How can we be overcomers? By trusting Him and His Word. Faith rests on His promises and does not demand explanations. My Father does not owe me an explanation of my trials. He has already given me His promises. Personalize Romans 8: 28,29 "I know that all things are working together for my good since I love Him and He has called me according to His purposes. He is conforming me to the image of His Son".

With open hands we receive our trials and our blessings from our Father and with open hands we offer them back to Him as an act of worship. Dear friends, stop for just a moment and after receiving your trial from Him, offer it back to Him in an act of Worship. You are an OVERCOMER and ready to experience VICTORY in your faith walk!!!!!

"Father, you would never have instructed me to count it all joy when I fall into various trials if it were not possible for me to do so. Move in the heart of everyone reading this blog to join me in offering our trials to you in an act of Worship. Lead us to your Word that we might find promises from you to enable us to live victorious in the mist of trials. In Jesus Name, I pray" Amen


j said...

Poosibly one of the trials in life could be relying on someone incompetent to manage a blog? SORRY. No excuses just being my usual self.

Your post was wonderful. I pray that if I have hindered anyone from reading that the Lord will forgive me and lead them back to this post.

Because HE is Good!


JC said...

Jen, All who are meant to read will.

Tiz, Beautiful words on a not so pleasant subject from a beautiful sister. Lot to learn from this post.

Love you both, JC

Tiz said...

Jen, you are NOT incompetent - you are my sister Princess!!!!!!

As JC said - all who are meant to read this post will read it in our King's perfect timing. This is His post and not ours. Glory!!!

I Love you for all you do on Prayerfully yours, Jen.

Because of His Grace, Tiz