A few days ago Gene and I decided to "clean out" the corn crib.
This corn crib has been in my family all my life. It has been moved and now stands on the property where we live. It is now a catch all and has been for years. The rats really enjoy their stay in there and evidence of their taking up residence was very obvious. They had chewed on a lot of things and left their pills and debris behind - need I say more!!!!! My, what a mess.
When I went back to work following this cleaning episode my boss made the mistake of asking me what I had done on my off day. While I was explaining, in detail, our day's work, a look of horror came over his face - a look that said "is this the type place she lives in"? I quickly explained that the outside looked really good with a coat of barnyard red paint and trimmed in white lattice work and it was just the inside that was such a mess. He quickly said, "that sounds like a good Sunday School lesson for "The Princess Hangout". I was thinking about a blog so this blog post was born.
"Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me" Psalm 51:10
What about those "respectable sins" that hide behind the pretty clothes, the flawless makeup and the plastered church smile? Murmuring, complaining, self pity, and an "it's all about me" attitude, to name a few. Friends, since God loves us unconditionally, He will continue to love us but I am sure he wants to see this junk and mess leave us as much as I wanted to see the junk and rat pills leave the corn crib!!!!!!
"Father, I thank you for your unconditional love. I thank you that the work of Christ on the Cross provided a way for you to create in me a clean heart and renew a right spirit within me. Touch the heart of each person reading this blog today. In Jesus forgiving name I pray, Amen"
Create in me a clean heart - AMEN! This was a wonderful post. How cool that you have a boss that would suggest Sunday School lessons - and blog posts. You are truly blessed!
The picture is great. It makes me miss T. H. Road very much.
Love you (in English and any other language).
Sometimes, when I read this blog, I feel a little like the person who went to church, and after hearing the preacher preach, wondered who had been telling that preacher things about him! LOL!
"Renew a right spirit within me"...yep...that was for me.
Thank you so much for that message.
More meaning than words can even convey. Awesome post.
I am new here! What a beautiful
blog :)
Tiz, this is a great post and I love the corn crib. My grandparents used to have a corn crib on their property and I would love to see that one now. I love your message, how easy it is to see the mess in someone else's life while we hide our mess and sometimes blind ourselves to the fact that it is there. Thank you!
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