Thursday, June 11, 2009


Today, I got home a little earlier than usual and caught part of a TV Show. The TV host had a panel of people on the show. The show title was Spirituality 101. The two men had Rev. in front of their names and I didn't catch the woman's title. As I listened, I became concerned with what I was hearing. One of the Rev's called homosexuality a gift from God. The other said that Spirituality and Religion were not the same. In many religions, homosexuality is definitely not seen as a gift especially not from God.

This show has me thinking about what is spirituality and what is religion. I went to the dictionary and one of the many definitions of spirituality given refers to religion as in scriptural references to spiritual warfare. But, there were many references to what I call "New Age" thought or theory. The notion that whatever you believe is o.k. God is love (true) and there are many ways to achieve God enlightenment and Jesus is just one of many ways. HUMMMM!

Then I looked up religion. Among the many definitions given under religion are all the different world organized religions. Christianity was in there somewhere. I noticed that under Christianity much wording was given not to Christ the person but to the different kinds of churches (Baptist, Methodist, etc.)

There is even a website that claims to tell you the difference between the two words but what I found were a lot of articles that didn't explain either word to me.

I've heard many people tell me that they are spiritual but not religious. As a matter of fact, I think I've even agreed with them. Because when I think spiritual, I think Jesus the Christ. God's one and only Son that went to the cross of Calvary and paid my sin debt. A debt I could not pay. Well, my dear reader let me put this as clearly as I know how, I AM A CHRISTIAN. What kind of Christian church I attend is as unimportant as the order of the service. I am not spiritual and I am not religious; I am a CHRISTIAN.

As a CHRISTIAN, I imitate Christ not the world. I am not ashamed to proclaim my faith in Him as my Saviour. I am not ashamed to call Him Lord of my life. How about you?

Father God, Abba, Daddy, Holy is Your name. I praise You and worship You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made to serve You, to adore You, to give myself totally and completely to You. Father forgive me for every stupid and silly word I have spoken out of ignorance. Lord let me not be lead astray by false teachers with Rev. in front of their name. Father I pray for each reader of this post that You will quicken their spirit to the truth that is found only in You. Not the universe, not themselves, not transcendental anything but in You and You alone. Lord any part I may have unknowingly played that would lead anyone astray please forgive me. Show me the true way that I can walk in it. In Jesus' precious and powerful name I pray. Amen


Lianne said...

What the world needs is not more religions about God, but more relationships with God! I wholeheartedly agree with this post. I wish more people would be discerning about what they are hearing. We need to turn to the true source of information--God's Holy Word, not Oprah or any other person. Great post.

j said...

I have to admit that it is a fine line for me. I want to approach the world in love that the sinner would not feel judged by me... that they would see the love of Christ in me and be curious about it. But then, where does loving the sinner morph into "I'm OK your OK"? I truly struggle with this!

However, I do not ever lose sight of who Jesus Christ is and I know it is through Him that I have a relationship with the Father.

Main stream television would have some frustrating views on religion. Being religious... being spiritual... sometimes even being Christian isn't a completely acurate description. I am part of the body of Christ. I am a memember of Christ's church. I am a follower of Christ... the redeemed of Christ... struggling at times to be Christ-like. I am HIS and no one can snatch me out of His hand.

I like that actually... I AM HIS.

Very bold post JC. I appreciate you for taking a stand for Christ.

Tiz said...

Very powerful post, JC.

There are a lot of confusing messages going out over the airways. Thanks be to God Almighty, we have the indwelling Holy Spirit to help us discern truth from error.

The message I want to proclaim is the fact that not only are forgiven, we have His Life. Glory!!!

Love you,

MargieAnne said...

Coming from a family that have developed many differing ideas I can say Amen to JC. Good to be aware that there are many false prophets who would appear to carry the light.

I think today that most people have an idea that they are spiritual beings as well as flesh and blood but it is the spiritual direction that is the problem. If you accept the Bible you know that their are two realms, one involves our loving Father God who sent Jesus Christ for us. The other is in battle to take control of all and receive the Glory we give to God.

Religion has developed into a word meaning a set of religious rules. Jesus came to set us free .... and if you really love Him you want to recognise the sense of His commands the greatest of which is to Love God and love others as you love yourself. Who can argue with that? But I have noticed this is impossible unless you have a relationship with God the Father, Jesus my Saviour and the Holy Spirit. It comes in a wonderful package that those who have not experienced it cannot hope to understand.

I join you in praying that people will know the truth and the truth will set them free.