Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The Grace Garland

On I-65 in Alabama, located at exit #107, there is a sign that says Grace Garland. I've passed it often and I know that the sign indicates that there are two towns off of this exit; the town of Grace and the town of Garland.

My imagination has been captured by the phrase Grace Garland. I reflect on the sins that I commit, strung together, and cluttering my life with ugliness. I imagine the Lord covering those sins with a garland of grace. His grace upon grace upon grace, strung together to make my life a thing of beauty.

As I travel the same stretch of highway, God speaks to me with a literal sign about his love, unfailing grace, and forgiveness of sin.


Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

This is such a beautiful way of looking at that sign. It's amazing how the Lord speaks to us in unexpected places.

Tiz said...

Beautiful, Beautiful post, Jen

So Precious for God to speak to you while driving down the road. That's our King!!


Rose said...

Isn't it wonderful to see God in something like a road sign! Nice post!

JC said...

Wonderful post!!!

Together We Save said...

Wonderful post!!