Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Tuesdays with Tiz

Two years ago this month Jen introduced me to the world of Blogging when she ask me to write Tuesdays with Tiz on Prayerfully Yours. The following post which posted May 20, 2008 was my first. I trust you will be blessed as I was when I read it this week.

Hello, My Name is Tiz, May I Take your Order Lord?

"But they that wait upon the Lord will renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles;they shall run, and not be weary;and they shall walk, and not faint." Isaiah 40:31

"Father, I want to be your server today - what could I serve you?"

"Tiz, I want you to bring me a big bowl of TRUST, a plate of UNDIVIDED ATTENTION, a tall glass of PRAISE, a side order of WORSHIP and a bowl of COMMITMENT. All your service is to be JOYFUL, PEACEFUL, PATIENT, and with a GOOD ATTITUDE. All courses are to originate direct from MY WORD (no TV preacher, no good books, no opinions - yours or someone else's). I want you to be the Chef, The Server and the Dish Washer. And for dessert I want another big bowl of TRUST!!!!"

I thought this sounded like an awfully big order until He reminded me of the PRICE HE HAD PAID FOR IT!!!! - then all I could do was thank HIM for choosing ME to be His server.

You notice He did not ask me to bring him an order of LOVE - guess he just wants me to TRUST Him as much as I love Him.



JC said...

AWWWW just as beautiful as the first time I read it. Wait doesn't me sit and do nothing but rather wait/serve as a waiter or waitress serves a customer. What a wonderful customer (Lord and Savior) we serve.

j said...

I have the precious memory of sitting on your front porch listening to you tell me about how God revealed this to you. It makes me smile just thinking about it.

Isn't God SO good? How I love Him!!

And you too :)

Together We Save said...

God bless you too...

Matthew Stephens said...

Now this is a good post. I love the way you brought out the customer approach. God is at McDonald's too. LOL!!!