Friday, July 31, 2009


I was thrilled when I was made aware of the fact that bloggers were observing July 31st as POSITIVE Day. Now that is my kind of day!!!

"Rejoice in the Lord always; and again I say, Rejoice" Phil. 4:4

My Father would not have told me to "rejoice" if I had nothing to rejoice about. Rejoicing is as positive as you can get!!! I can rejoice when all around me seems to be coming apart because I am rejoicing in HIM. When I am "abiding in Him" there is just no place for anything negative.

Why would we ever want to be negative when there is so much to be positive about? Being negative just takes too much of our energy. Just think about what it does to the people around us.

Think of the blessings we receive daily. When I awakened this morning I could get out of bed, I could walk, I had a bathroom to walk to and I could hear the birds singing outside my window. I could enjoy chatting with my husband before I left for work.

I choose to be positive today!!!!

"Father, I thank you for all your blessings which you have given me. I pray that each person reading this post today will choose to count their blessings and have a positive day. In Jesus joyful name I pray." Amen

Thursday, July 30, 2009


Don't you just love the way God lets you know He is near. I do! They are the little things I see in nature that speak to my heart. They are the unexpected surprises that just happen for no reason. They are the smile or conversation with a stranger.

Last week I traveled to the BLOGHER 09 Conference in Chicago. I've never been to Chicago. While I was looking forward to going to the conference, I don't enjoy traveling alone as I once did. Air travel in particular has lost its appeal but that is another post. So, I'm going to a big city, alone, where I know not one person, sounds a little frightening doesn't it. Well, God gave me a reminder as I sat in the Atlanta Airport waiting to board my flight to Chicago that I wasn't alone and I would not be alone in Chicago. I looked down at my purse and saw this scripture just on the inside of the purse where the zipper is,
"God is with you wherever you go." Joshua 1:9 NIV
I had to smile to myself. I've had the purse for at least two years but never used it until about two weeks ago. I had completely forgotten about the verse. What a wonderful surprise and reminder of His presence and His goodness. I have several of these surprises from last Thursday to last Sunday, I'll share more in future posts.

Father God, how awesome You are!!! I just don't have the words to express how much I love you. When I consider Your goodness, Your grace, Your mercy I am overwhelmed with joy and gratitude. Father I pray that You provide every reader of this post a reminder of Your constant presence. In Jesus' precious, holy and powerful name I pray. Amen.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


The Exchanged Life

"God made Him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God" 2nd Cor 5:21

Have you ever ask God to change? My friend, He does not want to change us. He wants us to experience His Life. We will never have a changed life until we experience the exchanged life.

The Exchanged Life - All that I was exchanged for all that He is!!!! Now, that is a bargain if you ask me!!!!

Yes, Jesus gave us all that He is - resurrected life, forgiveness, righteousness, holiness and acceptance in exchange for our sin nature, darkness, spiritually dead, guilt and condemnation. Do I hear a Praise?????

2nd Peter 1:4 says we are "partakers of the Divine Nature". At the center of my being is Christ. He has become my life. I just believe Him and walk in it!!!!!

"Father, I am not sure that my mind comprehends fully all that You are in me. I do not have to understand it to experience it. I just choose to believe your Word. I pray that my blogging friends will this day experience You as never before. In Jesus Holy Name, I pray." Amen

Thursday, July 23, 2009


Jen here... JC will not be posting today. She is at Blogher '09!! Please keep her in your prayers as she travels to the conference.

I thought I would let Sherie Rose Shepherd bring the post today. Please enjoy the video!

Father God, I do love you and I pray that you will show me how to fall more and more in love with you everyday. Father, please keep JC and all of the other bloggers attending Blogher '09 safe as they travel to the conference. I pray that they have a wonderful experience. In Jesus Holy and precious name I pray. Amen.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Our True Identity

"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, He is a new Creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new." 2 Cor. 5:17

How do we identify ourselves? Maybe by our appearance, occupation, family relationships or denominational affiliations. ALL these things are temporal. I may be a wife one day and not be a wife the next day. I may be a business woman one day and lose that position the next day. I may be a Baptist, Methodist or Catholic today and decide tomorrow that is not for me.

Also, if I declare myself to be an alcoholic, a drug addict, schizophrenic or any other negative label, then I will find myself living up to that identity.

Friends, our true identity is that we are a Child of God. The core source of our identity is our relationship with our God and Father. We are "in Christ". We are royalty!!! We are not an old sinner saved by Grace. We are a new creation. We are not a converted worm, we are a butterfly!!!! Glory

"Father, I thank you that you are the source of my life. I choose to identify myself according to who you say I am. I pray that each person reading this post today will see themselves as the person you created them to be. In Jesus perfect name, I pray." Amen

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Showing God's Grace

Last week I posted about The Grace Walk - Jesus living His life in and through me. My Grace Walk is receiving and walking in His Grace - His unmerited favor.

My Grace Walk also includes showing Grace to those around me. Friends, sometimes the only way we can do this is to focus on the fact that Jesus is living his life through us. Jesus is the one showing Grace. We are only extending the Grace that has been extended to us.

Grace stoops down and embraces the unlovely. Grace is not pointing out another's faults and failures. Grace points out their strengths and accomplishments.

"This is my commandment, that ye love one another, as I have loved you." John 15:12
"Beloved, if God so loved us, we ought also to love one another" 1 John 4:11

Love that reaches up is adoration.
Love that reaches out is compassion.
Love that stoops down is Grace.

"Father, I thank you that you have provided a way for me to show unmerited favor to anyone who comes across my path. You have provided Yourself. I pray that each person reading this post will focus on You and allow your Grace to flow through them. In Jesus Gracious Name, I pray." Amen

Thursday, July 9, 2009


It is no secret that I have issues, many issues, but the issue I'm talking about is temptation. Don't be looking down your nose at me. I would not be a bit surprised if you don't have some issues to. Some temptations are easy to spot like lusting over someone or drinking or doing drugs (legal and illegal) but some you don't hear mentioned much from the pulpit. One issue taunts me every day. Want to know what I struggle with? I knew you would. It is food. Food the lust, desire, craving, calling of it to me has plagued me for 50 years. However, I didn't realize that my addiction to food (sugar and starches and fried anything) is just as wrong as any other addiction.

Food has/does have a place inside me that it should not have. It has become a stronghold. I was thinking along these lines when I opened my "His Princess" book by Sheri Rose Shepard to page 67. It reads, "Temptations that come into your life are no different from what others experience. And God is faithful. He will keep the temptation from becoming so strong that you can't stand up against it. When You are tempted. He will show you a way out so that you will not give in to it." I Corinthians 10:13

WOW, God is faithful.

So what is your issue, don't tell me tell Him.

Father, God, Holy is Your name. How awesome You are to be mindful of me. You send me just what I need to see when I need it. Thank You for letting me know that I can stand up to any temptation because Your word says I can. Thank You! Father in the name of Jesus of Nazareth break the stronghold that food has had on my life. Father I pray for anyone reading this post that may be battling with addictions of any kind. Your word says You will not tempt us beyond what we can stand up to and you won't give us a burden to heavy to bear. You are faithful even with we are faithless. THANK YOU! In Jesus' precious, powerful and perfect name I pray. Amen.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


Grace Walk

My Sunday School Class is studying a book titled "Grace Walk" by Steve McVey so I will be posting from my studies in this book from time to time.

"He who is joined to the Lord is one spirit with Him" 1 Cor 6:17

Friends, think about it - at the center of our being is Jesus Christ!! He has become our very life!! A believer has become one with Christ!!

The Grace Walk is Jesus living His life in and through me. Jesus does the doing and I do the being!!!! Grace is "undeserved or unmerited favor or kindness - extended out of the heart of the giver. Jesus extends His Grace to me. I walk in His Grace. The Grace Walk is all about Him living in and through me. My focus must be on Him. To experience the Grace Walk I must totally believe what He says about Himself and what He says about me.

Our salvation is totally of His Grace. We did nothing to deserve it. It is His unmerited favor. By faith we received it. At that moment we began our Grace Walk. He gave His life for us so that He could give His life to us and live His life through us. Do I hear a Praise!!!!

"Father, I praise you as the giver of all things good and perfect. I thank you that you chose to show me your Grace. You have given your Life to me. How can I help but surrender myself to you? I pray that my blogging friends will see You as their very life and will enjoy their personal Grace Walk. I pray that we will all choose to focus on the person of Jesus Christ at all times. In Jesus perfect Name, I pray." Amen

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy Independence Day!

When an American spots red, white, and blue, we recognize the colors of our freedom.

But even in the absence of color, we feel that same pride for our country.

It isn't the colors that establish us as Americans, blessed with the freedoms that we hold dear. It is the sacrifice of others that has bought our freedom that we are blessed with through our citizenship to the United States of America.

As Christians, our liberty in Christ was bought at a great price as well.

May we hold all of our freedoms dear and be thankful that we are free indeed!

Father God, I pray that each of our readers, family, friends, and brothers and sisters in Christ will celebrate this holiday in an awareness of the blessings of our freedom. I pray for their safety over the holiday weekend and that you would keep each one of them in your care. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.