I was thrilled when I was made aware of the fact that bloggers were observing July 31st as POSITIVE Day. Now that is my kind of day!!!
"Rejoice in the Lord always; and again I say, Rejoice" Phil. 4:4
My Father would not have told me to "rejoice" if I had nothing to rejoice about. Rejoicing is as positive as you can get!!! I can rejoice when all around me seems to be coming apart because I am rejoicing in HIM. When I am "abiding in Him" there is just no place for anything negative.
Why would we ever want to be negative when there is so much to be positive about? Being negative just takes too much of our energy. Just think about what it does to the people around us.
Think of the blessings we receive daily. When I awakened this morning I could get out of bed, I could walk, I had a bathroom to walk to and I could hear the birds singing outside my window. I could enjoy chatting with my husband before I left for work.
I choose to be positive today!!!!
"Father, I thank you for all your blessings which you have given me. I pray that each person reading this post today will choose to count their blessings and have a positive day. In Jesus joyful name I pray." Amen