I have had a tendency to question WHY there are so many denominations and so many interpretations of God and His word. At one point in my life I truly worried about this. If everyone believes something different, that means one person has to be right and one person has to be wrong.
I didn't want to be wrong.
God finally got it through my thick skull (the flesh is weak but I am hard headed) that this behavior was QUIBBLING. KNIT PICKING. Even LEGALISM. And focusing on EVERYTHING else but GOD. It was up to Him to sort it out for only He can see the heart of a man. If we seek HIS truth, He will reveal it to us as is His will and in His time. But it isn't a matter of who is right or wrong. It is a matter of working out OUR OWN salvation with fear and trembling.
A long time ago I heard a story about a church that split due to the question "Did Adam have a belly button?" The group that left became the 'Church of the Navelites'. This is so laughable that it has to be just that, a story. But the example made me think about denominations and bodies of believers. We talk about core principles and our doctrine, but regardless, God is GOD. He is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow, and will be the same when we reach Glory. Our principles and doctrine have evolved from our desire to know Him better, and from our study of the Word. But the word is meant to invite, to include, to bring together Christ's Church. It is not exclusionary unless The Word is called false and Jesus is denied.
In Genesis Jacob and Laban form a covenant.
"And Mizpah; for he said, The Lord watch between me and thee, when we are absent one from another." Genesis 31:49
I pray that God does this for the Church, that when we are separated by denomination and doctrine, that He would watch between His people that we would not strive against each other in the name of the Lord. I choose to believe that though we may believe differently, God is unchanging.
Father God, I pray that you watch between me and my brothers and sisters sitting in different churches around my community. I pray that even though our ways of worship may make us seem absent from one another, I pray that you unite us as your Bride.
In Jesus name I pray, Amen.